The best holiday I've ever had

The holidays that I especially remember is when I went to the north of Chile,  and some cities of Bolivia and Peru, at that time I was 19 years old, I just finished my first year of University, and some Friends from the school I graduated  invited me to do a trip to the north of Chile, particularly San Pedro de Atacama, after that we took a tourist car that drove through the altiplane of Chile and Bolivia, the landscapes were one of the most amazing things I’ve ever saw, like the geyser, the salty lakes, the volcanos and the flamengos, , after that me and my Friends went to the “Salar of Uyuni”, where the land is cover with salt, I specially remember that place because the day before I went it was raining because of the Bolivian Winter, and the next day the sky had some clouds, that made, because of the absorbency of the salty land, the rain water to stay, that in combination with the sky partly clear  made a reflection, making the land look like the sky, it was one of the moments I will always remember.
Resultado de imagen para salar de uyuni


  1. I would really like to know this places, sounds amazing!

  2. so interesting, i would like to go too!

  3. Nice trip man! good luck with english class!


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