Changes to my study program

Hi everyone hope you had a great week. Well the topic I will talk about is the changes to my future study program; I know that the world is in constant change and with that also the professional world demanding more capacities to the future workers of the planet meaning that you need to be prepared to face this world changing demands, I would love to do some postgraduate degree in another country like U.S for example and in other language so I can learn a language plus the degree topic. This degree that I want to do I would like to be about administration and leadership because I have some ideas in my head that I would love to make it true, of course this ideas I won’t tell you because I don’t want to be copied but I think that doing a degree will give me the enough tools for develop a capital and a base that will help me to make true the ideas that I have. Using all the knowledge I had make through the years to make a full of ideas project using all the variabilities that the development of the idea could have for making a good thinking innovation maybe something that will change the worlds vision of creating, doing and working on something. Going back to the topic I would like to work in my career fieldwork  (Forestry) for a couple of year just for learn, and then I would like to do some independent work and make some postgraduate degrees with will give me some tools just to perfect the independent idea I want to make. I’m going to give you just a little clue of my idea and is in this picture.
Image result for viñedo


  1. I think that when you have an idea, you have to do everything to achieve it !! Good look !


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