Personal Opinions
Hello everyone: on today’s post I would like to talk about an interesting topic: this is AI also known as Artificial Intelligence. We know that with the pass of time new things start to came up and science is a proof of that with the all the new inventions, discoveries and knowledge. AI is something that might be in all your houses or maybe is already in with all this smart TV, cellphones, computers, etc. That people like to use for their life routine. In my opinion this kind of technologic might take another like the creation of androids that are made as an image of a common human with the purpose of doing the things that human do, like the dishes, cooking, lift boxes for example, things that are necessary for a production cycle. So with the implementation of AI to the common life humans will get help leaving heavy works that can make diseases, like working to much under the sun, lifting too much weight, manipulating dangerous substances, etc. But this mean there will be less jo...